My Definitely Sometime Great Adventure (3.a)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Traffic in Vietnam

Traffic in Vietnam can only be described as awesome...

As you drive out from the airport, all of Vietnam is on motorbikes around you, like gigantic swarms of mosquitos... weavng in an out of traffic, Mom, Dad two babies and dinner all piled on a tiny vespa bike. You'd be amazed what they can pack onto these things, they would make a western traffic officer cry.

There are virtually no traffic lights, and any in existence are totally ignored. Rules of the road means if there is open space, it's yours and if a flashing left turn signal won't get someone to move over, more flashing lighs and horn certainly will. An inch of clearance between you, and a pedal or motor bike is too generous and all children should cross traffic by darting out in front of it.

The instructions we got for crossing the road 'safely" include:
"look traffic in the eye"
move slowly and purposefully accross the road - do not make any sudeen movements, traffic will flow around you.

I think the more amazing thing is... it does. Like a stream encountering a branch - the whole mass of bikes, vespas, cars and buses just part and reform, adjust and if in doubt, honk horn and keep going. There is no road rage -- it's truly amazing. Especially if I survive it!