My Definitely Sometime Great Adventure (3.a)

Friday, September 02, 2005

The Vietnamese Civic

Those of you who have been to Asia have seen it - but you are never really prepared for the amazing balancing feats of the average Vietnamese as they stack up their trusty vespas and motobikes with a mountain of stuff.

Vietnamese ride motorbikes everywhere - no helmets, Mom, Dad and 2 babies plus dinner on a scooter that will only fit one of me. Sidewalks are for parking bikes (walers - you use the streets, please don't hit bicycles riding past you).

So far I have seen bikes so piled with goods the driver is steering with his feet, I have seen TV's, panes of glass, full Queen mattresses, and buckets, baskets and bags of food, poduce, electrical goods and more packed so tighly and highly for transport you can barely make out the driver (and his wife on the back if applicable) amongst all the stuff. Amazing.