My Definitely Sometime Great Adventure (3.a)

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

ARGH! Bugs in Sydney

Ok... I am not your typical get-on-a-chair and scream type of girl around bugs. I never kill spiders - they eat all the things that like to eat me - I am quite fond of spiders.

Most bugs don't bother me - flies, bees, creepy crawlies... all generally fine - except silver fish and ear wigs... HATE silverfish and earwigs (I think the ear wigs comes from Dad making me watch Wrath of Khan of some Star Trek movie where bugs crawl in your ear and take you over.)

But the bugs in Sydney are the size of sub-compacts! The cockroaches - and everyone has them - are so big they crunch when you step on them, and they are big enough to un-seat your stiletto heels. These things are about the same size as your average Japanese cell phone.

Just survived an invasion of some god-awful cross between a coackroch and an ear wig the size of my thumb, put on earth to make me realize that living in chemically sterilized houses is a great, great thing. I know this isn't generally in the spirit of my travel blog... put how's that for a view of Sydney you don't hear every day, eh?