My Definitely Sometime Great Adventure (3.a)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Sydney - now home sweet home.

Our little apartment is sandwiched right between two hostels, one with a huge outdoor courtyard, so there are heaps of travelers hanging out, and the smell of pot is always in the air... reminds me of home! Work is boring, but runing out the door at 5 on the dot is a lot of fun for a change, but I am working with some really fabulously nice people. I can't find many Australian's in Australia - mostly Bristish and South Africans. But since everyone is from somewhere else, we are meeting heaps of great people, getting to know our way amoung the after-work bars in the city. Each new person has their set of clubs, or beaches, or neighbourhoods, and we are getting quite the tour!

So... I guess I wasn't paying attention in my dream of living in Australia where I forgot about the life part of life... you know the cooking and the cleaning and the working during the working hours bit. Life in Sydney pretty rapidly feels a lot like home. Although technically, I only ever cooked on Friday nights or weekends, because it was the only time I had off to get groceries. Now I am making Thai green curry and tabouleh and all sorts of stuff I forgot I knew how to make. It's actually been a pleasant surprise that I am not as hopeless around a stove as I thought.

We are slowly visiting every one of the Northern beaches... We have been hit by a lot of thunderstorms and nervous weather over the last few weeks, but we found time to get sunburns on Coogee on Sunday, and when it rains we just visit the bars that overlook the beach. Not bad, eh?