My Definitely Sometime Great Adventure (3.a)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

She's baaaaack!

Hello Tara fans!

OK - that's not only immodest, but exaggerating your feelings for me as well.. but Tara's Road Trippin' again! So, for the next two weeks, I'll post my PG-13 adventures through BC and Alberta for my "Kissing the Rockies" Road Trip for your reading and general enjoyment.

The Itinerary:
- Speed boat to Bowen Island (throw weekend bag, beer & self in sand on arrival at Bowen Cabin for "vacation feel" of grit in every available nook and cranny)
**weekend with the family** **make fun of sisters**

- Drive up through the Cariboo (the looong way) through Lone Butte, Cleawater & Valemount to Jasper (Kiss the Rockies) See photo below of my July, 2003 trip to the Kootenays. yes - JULY)

- Pick up Chelsea in Edmonton. Visit Edmonton (that will be a very exciting post)

- Pick up Nora at Calgary Stampede!! (no photography permitted)

- Drumheller, AB (my inner 9 year old wants to see dinosaurs)

- Banff... on our way to.. the Kootenays! (Kiss the Rockies)

- Revelstoke, hot springs, beers at Nelson Brewery

Back to Vancouver *end*