She's off!
OK - so it always takes me a bit to get out of the city.
Not much to report yet - spent a lovely two days with the family at Bowen Island, and forgot my Camera in the car in Vancouver, so no pictures - but got to drive the boat over to Bowen. This is not only a huge treat, it is a spectacular boat ride, from Granville Island, to right past Light House Park, Howe Sound, and on to Bowen. Bloody fantastic - we live in very, very beautiful place. The West Van Hills are all green and snow capped - it's hard to belive....
So after a whole bunch of carb catching and eating (so spoilt with fresh crab, we now just peal out the last of the meal to save for crab cakes. Can you image getting so used to fresh crab you don't pig out anymore? well, it happens!) It was back to Vancouver to head up Province. Sundsay night, drove up to Kamloops (listened to a lot of Country and Canadian artists in deference to Canada Day - happy happy Canada Day!) Looks like something is eating a lot of the forest up here - I don't know the extent of the Mountain Pine Beetle, but there are a whole lot of really unhealthy red pine trees covering the slopes up there.
Today, it was right out of the cheap motel in Kamloops, and heading out the #5 yellowhead highway to Jasper - hallelujah mountains! Check it out:
And other than mosquitos and crows, it's the only wildlife I have seen (aside from the wierdos at the hostel. Ah, Hostels.) Tomorrow? I think I am going to do the ice fields parkway, but we'll just have to see!
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